Module 1. Online 200 Program
- Practical. Shat karmas Uddiyana Bandha. Video Presentation.
- Pranayama. The Science of Pranayama. Video presentation and course notes. Sama vritti and Samaveta. Video presentation and course notes.
- Philosophy. introduction into the Yoga Sutras. Video presentation and course notes.
- Asana. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Down dog) & Padangustasana (Forward bend) Video presentation and course notes. Watch the video presentation Ashtanga Vinyasa part 1. Watch the video for forward bends.
- Zoom meeting to provide feedback, monitor progress and provide support.
Module 2. Online 200 Program
- Practical. Shat karmas Uddiyana Bandha. Video Presentation.
- Pranayama. Three Dimensional Breathing. Video presentation and course notes.
- Philosophy. Yama and Niyama. Video presentation and course notes. Introduction into the art of vinyasa krama. Intelligent class planning. Video presentation and course notes.
- Asana. Utthita Trikonasana & Prasarita Trikonasana (Triangle). Video presentation and course notes. Watch the video on Vinyasa Krama. Watch the video on teaching Ashtanga Vinyasa part 2.
- Zoom meeting to provide feedback, monitor progress and provide support.
Module 3. Online 200 Program
- Practical. Shat karmas Uddiyana Bandha. Video Presentation.
- Pranayama. Three Dimensional Breathing. Video presentation and course notes.
- Philosophy. Kleshas. A guided introduction into the philosophy of yoga. Video presentation and course notes. Watch the video on the History of Yoga.
- Asana. Utthita Parsvakonasana & Prasarita Parsvakonasana. Video presentation and course notes. Watch the video on Opening the Hips.
- Zoom meeting to provide feedback, monitor progress and provide support.
Module 4. Online 200 Program
- Practical. Shat karmas Kapalabhati. Video Presentation.
- Pranayama. Sama vritti and Samaveta. Video presentation and course notes. Kumbhaka (Breath retention) Course notes and video presentation.
- Philosophy. The Vayus, the Koshas and the Granthis. Video presentation and course notes. Watch the video on the Yoga and Spirituality.
- Asana. Prasarita Padottanasana (wide feet) & Parsvottanasana (reverse prayer) Video presentation and course notes. Watch the video on the Psoas.
- Zoom meeting to provide feedback, monitor progress and provide support.
Module 5. Online 200 Program
- Practical. Shat karmas Kapalabhati. Video Presentation.
- Pranayama. Sama vritti and Samaveta .Video presentation and course notes. Kumbhaka (Breath retention)
- Philosophy. The Vayus, the Koshas and the Granthis. Video presentation and course notes. Yoga and Spirituality. Read the course notes and Watch the video.
- Asana. Prasarita Padottanasana (wide feet) & Parsvottanasana (reverse prayer) Video presentation and course notes. The Psoas. Read the course notes and Watch the video.
- Zoom meeting to provide feedback, monitor progress and provide support.
Module 6. Online 200 Program
- Practical. Shat karmas Kapalabhati. Video Presentation.
- Pranayama. Sama vritti and Samaveta .Video presentation and course notes. Kumbhaka (Breath retention)
- Philosophy. Karma. Video presentation and course notes. Morals and Ethics. Video presentation and course notes.
- Asana. Vrksasana, Utthita Hasta Padangustasana & Utkatasana. Video presentation and course notes. Watch the video on Vrksasana.
- Zoom meeting to provide feedback, monitor progress and provide support.
Module 7. Online 200 Programm
- Practical. Shat karmas Kapalabhati. Video Presentation and course notes.
- Pranayama. Sama vritti and Samaveta. Video presentation and course notes. Kumbhaka (Breath retention) Guided relaxation with chakras. Watch the video.
- Philosophy. Bhagavad Gita. Video presentation and course notes.
- Asana. Virabhadrasana 1&2 (warrior) Video presentation and course notes. Marichyasana C. Watch the video on rotations and read the course notes.
- Zoom meeting to provide feedback, monitor progress and provide support.
Module 8. Online 200 Program
- Practical. Shat karmas Kapalabhati. Video Presentation.
- Pranayama. Sama vritti and Samaveta .Video presentation and course notes. Kumbhaka (Breath retention)
- Philosophy. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Video presentation and course notes. Dharma. Read the notes.
- Asana. Paschimottanasana & Janusirsasana. Video presentation and course notes. Watch the video on Janusirsasana. Marichyasana A. Watch the video presentation and read the course notes.
- Zoom meeting to provide feedback, monitor progress and provide support.
Module 9. Online 200 Program
- Practical. Shat karmas Kapalabhati. Video Presentation.
- Pranayama. Sama vritti and Samaveta .Video presentation and course notes. Kumbhaka (Breath retention) Meditation. Read the notes on Noradrenaline & The RAS. Listen to the video for a Guided Meditation.
- Asana. Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana and Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana. Video presentation and course notes. Back Bending. Watch the video and read the course notes. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Up dog) Watch the video and read the course notes.
- Zoom meeting to provide feedback, monitor progress and provide support.
Module 10. Online 200 Program
- Practical. Shat karmas Kapalabhati. Video Presentation.
- Pranayama. Sama vritti and Samaveta .Video presentation and course notes. Kumbhaka (Breath retention) Meditation. Guided Meditation. Listen to the video.
- Asana. Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand) Watch the video and read the course notes. Savasana (Corpse pose) Watch the video and read the course notes Headstand Myths and Facts. Read the course notes.