Netra means eye and Netra kumbhaka is a practice to awaken the third eye.
Stage 1.
- In your comfortable seated posture take the right hand to Nasagra mudra
- Close the left nostril and inhale through the right and retain the breath*
- Close the right nostril, open the left inhale and again retain the breath*
- Retain the breath*
- Keep the breath even throughout
- Practice for a few minutes
Stage 2.
- Now release the breath in the same order
*Throughout the whole of this practice avoid forcing or straining in anyway. It’s advisable to practice under supervision.
- In your comfortable seated posture take the right hand to Nasagra mudra
- Close the right nostril, inhale through the left and retain the breath
- Close the left nostril, inhale through the right and retain the breath
- Open both nostrils and exhale
- Repeat for 5 mins
- Trinetra kumbhaka is said to give threefold siddhis
Netra Tantra is divided into 22 chapters which describe various aspects of worshipping Amrtesa through Diksha (giving of a mantra), Chakras, Bhutas (5 elements) and meditation. Netra Tantra seems the mixture of many traditions within Saivism as well as other sects of yoga.