- Jåla refers to the network of the nerves (subtle & gross) passing through the neck into the brain and
- Dhara denotes upward pull of the flow of the nectar by exercising an upward pull upon the spine and thus working upon the brain (reversing the flow of apana)

- From a seated position begin by lifting the spine so its straight and pull the head back just a little
- Now lift the top of the chest which will bring the head back to a more upright position. There will be a stretching feeling in back of the neck with the chin dropping slightly.
- From this there will be a small contraction at the pit of the throat for Jalandhara bandha
This method will ensure an energetic lifting of the spine and chest, creating more space in the thoracic area. The contraction of the throat will exert pressure on the carotid artery affecting the nervous system.
Applying Jalandhara bandha with kumbhaka exerts pressure to baroreceptors in the carotid sinus. The carotid sinus baroreceptor plays a vital role in the control of blood pressure and heart rate.
Afferent signals travel from carotid baroreceptors to the cardiovascular control centre in midbrain via the glossopharyngeal nerve.
The effect stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, while inhibiting the sympathetic nervous system. The heart rate and blood pressure reduce through vasodilation

With Bandhas often being referred to as locks it is no wonder, they are often poorly executed. The term lock seems to imply a forceful application which may create the opposite effect we are looking for.
Although applying Bandhas does involve some muscular awareness and application, ultimately, they are subtle and instinctive. It becomes a natural state rather than a held action, which will lead to tension and restriction.
The case I believe can be made that Jalandhara can be and is forced. Simply bending the head forward and pressing the chin into the neck I would argue is not Jalandhara Bandha.
This would appear to create tension in the throat and shoulders, and I would argue creates a restriction.
Bandhas surely must initiate a liberating force which unlocks and not locking in.
Rather than take the chin to the chest, lifting the top of the chest to the chin will lift the torso up and out of the pelvis. The spine will lengthen initiating a neutral posture. The shoulders will stay down and relaxed, and the throat will stay soft.
The opposite will tend to hunch and round the shoulders, with the spine rounding.
As mentioned earlier in this article Jalandhara Bandha is meant to initiate the parasympathetic nervous system. If Jalandhara Bandha is applied as I suggest then the nervous system is calmed with the heart rate and respiratory system slowing. This will not only bring about a calm and peaceful state of mind, but also an introspective mind able to self-analyse with honesty (Kleshas)
- The Hatha Yoga Pradipika states that, at the end of one’s inhalation and before kumbhaka commences, one must apply Jalandhara Bandha.
- The Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Yoga Kundalini Upanishad both agree that Jalandhara Bandha moves prana into the central energy channel (sushumna nadi).
- The two nadis should be stopped firmly by contracting the throat.
- Jalandhara Bandha keeps prana from entering the head
- The Yoga Kundalini Upanishad tells us that Jalandhara Bandha prevents the air compressed in kumbhaka from entering the head
HYP 98
Contracting the throat, firmly press the chin on the chest. This is jälandhara bandha, which stops the flow of the nectar
HYP 99
The network of the nerves is tied up, preventing the downward flow of the (nectar). Moreover, jälandhara-bandha alleviates the disorders of the throat.
HYP 100
Application of jaladhara bandha by contracting the throat, prevents the nectar falling into the fire and stops vayu going astray
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- askyogadharma@protonmail.com